Mount Pleasant Primary School

Mount Pleasant Primary School

'Every child matters, every moment counts'

Welcome to Foundation Stage 2023 - 2024

Class Teachers 


Miss Lonsdale
Miss Lonsdale
Mrs Parker-Knapper
Mrs Parker-Knapper

Our Learning Journey

Summer Fun

 This half term we've enjoyed spending time outside, thinking about changes and visiting our new classes. We had lots of fun on the inflatables at fun day!

Paralympics and Euros

The children in Early Years enjoyed taking part in the Paralympics activities; the children experienced some new sports such as Bocchia, Boxing, Blindfold football and a wheelchair race. 

On our whole school Euro's day, Early years were Italy, we learnt some simple phrases, made flags and had pizza and ice-cream for snack.

Well-being Day and RSE Day

This half term we took part in Well-being Day, we made fruit kebabs, painted rocks, yoga and created a piece of whole class art. On RSE day we labeled body parts and thought about changes.

Road Safety

In Reception, we have completed Right Start Stage 1, where we learned about holding hands, safer places, Stop, Look, Listen and crossing the road safely. The week consisted of a range of activities linking to the areas learnt. 

Farm Trip

In early May, FS2 enjoyed a trip to Smithills Farm. The children fed the animals, had a donkey ride and tractor ride and watched the cows being milked. Highlight of the day for most children was playing on the park!

Easter Fun!

In topic we learnt about the Christian celebration of Easter, we also enjoyed Easter activities in provision. To celebrate Easter and the end of term, we have taken part in a Easter Egg hunt, followed by Crispie Cakes for snack. 

Spring 2 Learning

This half term, we have been learning about Spring, Addition and Subtraction and traditional tales, which linked to our World Book Day. we have been creating art work, linked to these subjects and animals in the wild. 

World Book Day

On World Book Day the children in Early Years enjoyed a fun morning looking at different Traditional Tales. The children moved around in groups, taking part in different activities.

Chinese New Year

The children in Foundation Stage enjoyed learning about the festival of Chinese New Year. We made lanterns, enjoyed Chinese food for snack and in PE used our dragon to create our own Chinese Dragon Dance.

Winter Learning

This half term, we have covered a range of topics, including winter, the Big Bird Watch, where we made bird feeders and Internet Safety week. We attended an open the book assembly, with the story of 'The Wise Man and the Foolish Man'. Our literacy story focus was Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers. 


This term in the unit we have enjoyed exploring the season of  winter. We had lots of fun playing in the snow, sledging and building a snowman! We also conducted a 'melting snowman' experiment and observed the changes that occurred.  


 We have enjoyed lots of fun activities on the run up to Christmas, including Christmas jumper day complete with our Christmas lunch, performing in our nativity, making Christmas crafts and Winter Wonderland with a special visit from Father Christmas. 

Stickman and Stanley's Stick

In literacy we looked at the stories of Stickman and Stanley's Stick. We used sticks to make our own models. 

Theme Days

This half term, we have learnt about a number of festivals and topics, including Halloween and firework safety, Remembrance Day, Anti-bullying week and Odd sock day.

Autumn Learning

During the Autumn term, we have covered a range of subjects, in maths we have looked at repeating patterns, number and quantity. In Literacy our focus has been the story of the Little Red Hen and introducing phonics. We have also celebrated Hello Yellow and Harvest. 

Forest School

Our first sessions of Forest School have involved exploring the area, keeping safe, introducing the mud kitchen and looking for signs of Autumn.  

Our first days at school

We have enjoyed welcoming our new children to Mount Pleasant. We explored the unit and settled into a school routine.