Mount Pleasant Primary School

Mount Pleasant Primary School

'Every child matters, every moment counts'

Welcome to Year 5 2023-2024

Class Teachers 

 Mr Cooper
Mr Cooper
Mr Mead
Mr Mead

Summer Term

As part of our DT topic, we had the pleasure of making biscuits for a purpose. In order to make the biscuits, we had to create prototypes of them, changing how much salt, sugar and chocolate chips we put into the biscuits. From our prototype was created what we thought was the best biscuit for our design. The making of the biscuits was messy but incredibly fun and most of the biscuits turned out well!

10 year 5 children took part in a cricket tournament at Accrington Cricket Club. The weather stayed pleasant and a good time was had by all.


The year 5 classes trained hard in their P.E lessons to prepare for the event of the term, the year 5 rounders competition.

After 3 gruelling games, 5X came out on top with two victories out of the three games played.

Well done 5X!

This half term we had a visitor showing us fantastic experiments linking with the topic of 'materials'. We were blown away with how food colouring can disappear because of bleach, how smoke rings can be made from an incense burner and how oxygen is only 25% of the atmosphere! We took a vote and the children thought it would be 75% so it was a huge surprise!

For our school trip this year we took the children to Jodrell Bank in South Manchester. The children were amazed by the fascinating 'dome' where one of the experts took us on a journey around our solar system with an incredibly immersive display. We learnt about the different waves that are transmitted in space, the speed at which planets orbit the sun as well incredible things like a supernova! 

Spring Term

This half term it was 5X's turn to learn an instrument. Choosing from a flute, a saxophone and a clarinet the children practised over a 10 week period building up to the final concert where they showcased their fantastic improvement to parents and grandparents.

Throughout this term both 5X and 5Z have completed a 5 week period of forest school with Miss Brown. The children absolutely loved it, coming in with mud all over the faces, playing games and building things in the outdoors as well as their favourite game of hide and seek was something the children looked forward to every Friday.

At the start of the Spring term we had some fantastic people who helped us improve our skills on the bike and help us with our safety in the local community. We completed a week course on Bikeability and we all thought it was fantastic!

This term we had an Ancient Greek day where we all came dress in our fantastic costumes and took part in lots of fantastic events focussing on the difference between Athens and Sparta. It was fun acting, using artefacts and sources and looking at the theatre of Ancient Greeks. 

Autumn Term

Coinciding with Christmas dinner it was our yearly Christmas Jumper day. We brought in £1 for 'Save the Children' donating the money to an excellent cause.

Here we are with our Christmas Meal, Christmas Turkey and all the trimmings! It was delicious! 

This half term 5X have been taking weekly lessons of music practising using our Clarinet, Saxophone and Flutes. The progress that has been made over the term has been excellent, going from squeeky noises to playing Christmas songs as well as other catchy songs.